Student Profile: Krishna Desai

Student Profile: Krishna Desai

Krishna Desai is a senior political science and economics major with a minor in Spanish and international science from Ridgeland, Mississippi. During her time at MSU Krishna has been involved in College of Arts and Sciences Ambassadors, No Lost Generation MSU, College Model UN, Starkville Pride, Global Legal Empowerment Brigades and Pi Kappa Phi Honor Society. Krishna said that Dr. Melanie Loehwing has been an influential force during her time at MSU and she asserted that “the faculty who genuinely care about students and invest in our success,” are what make her truly love MSU. As someone who had always planned to go out of state for college, she now describes MSU in one word, “Home.” After three years at MSU she now feels as though, “MSU has made me appreciate my home state more than I ever thought possible, and it’s preparing me to go out in the world but always have a place to call home.”