Student Research

Student Research

The College of Arts & Sciences provides numerous undergraduate research opportunities. Research helps students apply what they have learned in the classroom into new skills that will prepare them for scholarly work.

Undergraduate research is mentored, self-directed work that enables students to explore issues of interest. Student research can increase the appreciation of the value of multidisciplinary approaches.

College Research Opportunities

Undergraduate research affords you the opportunity to apply what you already know to new issues that interest you, and allows you to develop new skills. It is our hope that you will learn what sort of creative work a scholar in your field does. You will meet others with similar interests, gain confidence, immerse yourself in the intellectual environment at MSU, and use your experiences to help you choose a future career path. The creation of new works fuels the joy of discovery. Find out where your imagination can take you.

Honors College Undergraduate Research Opportunities Other Undergraduate Research Opportunities